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Impossibly Possible Page 23

  T righted Kenzie, slowly releasing her, making sure she was steady. She glanced back shyly. “Thanks.”

  She moved away, making her way to Bogs. She looked like she was trying out for a tightrope routine the way her arms were spread and she watched her feet. As she passed each of his brothers, she gazed up with a small smile. He had the impression, while the other girls could care less about what they thought, Kenzie did.

  “You good?” Stone asked.

  “Uh-huh. I’m really not that drunk.”

  Stone snorted, glancing over to Bogs. He, too, seemed to be amused by his girl. “Sure you’re not, babe.”

  She was a few feet away from him when Ethan drew out his hand and steadied her with his elbow. She glanced up and stared. A smile slowly formed on her lips. “You have really pretty eyes.”

  The snickers echoed through the room and Bogs rolled his eyes. Was there a woman on the planet not enamored with this fucking guy? He sighed heavily.

  Ethan smiled. “Thank you, Kenzie.”

  “They’re not as pretty as Bogs’, but they are a close second.”

  Ethan grinned and glanced over to his brother. He had kick ass eyes for sure. Hazel wasn’t anything special, but they were different. Kenzie’s declaration made him give his brother a smug smile.

  Ethan walked her to Bogs. “I’m glad you think so.”

  Bogs was prepared to steady her himself, but her arms came around his waist, and she tugged him against her chest, resting her chin just below his neck and looked up. “I love your eyes.” Her lopsided smile made his lips spread wide. He winked at her and waved to the group.

  “Night, everyone.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder taking most of her weight. He should probably carry her which would make it a hell of a lot quicker to get her to the car.

  They were down the path when he heard his sister. “Bye Kenzie. Next week, we’ll do it again.”

  Hell fucking no, they weren’t getting his girl next week, too. He lifted her into the truck and got himself settled before driving off down the road.

  “You have fun?”

  She turned in her seat, fighting the hold of the seatbelt. “So much fun. I love your family—they’re awesome. Especially, Rox.” She reached over grabbing his free hand and clasped it with hers. “I did miss you though.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. That was exactly what he wanted to hear. His eyes were trained on the road, but he felt her inch closer. “You know all the girls think you’re hot. Well, not Rox but Sadie, Cass, and Em. They said so.”

  Bogs laughed. He might have to use that little piece of information against his brothers someday. “What else did you find out on girl’s night?”

  “That they love you but hate your nicknames.”

  Bogs laughed. He didn’t need her to tell him that. Sadie and Cassie had accepted it but weren’t fond of his pet names for them.

  “I love mine though.” She released his hand and slid it up his thigh, landing on his cock, which immediately started to harden.

  “Whoa. The last thing we need is an accident.” He clasped her hand again, regrettably removing it from his crotch. He glanced over. Her eyes were heavy, and her smile was lazy. So fucking drunk.

  “Need to get you home, in my bed, pretty girl.”

  She sighed, resting her head against the seat but keeping her body angled toward him.

  “We’re not going to Jonah’s house?”

  Bogs shook his head, clasping his hand in hers that rested on his knee. He didn’t trust her not to grab his cock again. He didn’t think he’d be strong enough to resist a second time.

  “Talked to Trent. He got it all settled with Dante.” Bogs sighed. “Meaning, you are in the clear.”

  The statement seemed to sober her, slightly. “And Taylor?”

  “He’s still working on it, but she’s safe. Thought maybe we’d drive up to the cabin, you can see for yourself.”

  Her hand tightened against his, and he gazed over to see her bouncing in her seat. Thankfully he did and saw her coming when she threw herself at him. He had enough sense and warning to not jerk the wheel when her body nudged the wheel.

  Her arms wrapped around her neck, leaving him with half vision on the road.

  “Okay, I get you’re excited, let’s try not to die from excitement. Back on your side.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She giggled and moved back to her side, grasping his hand in hers. “Thank you Bogs. You’re seriously the best boyfriend on the planet, I friggin’ love you.”

  His head whipped to the side. She was grinning and still doing a happy slight bounce seemingly unfazed that she had just confessed she loved him. He couldn’t figure out if she was just saying figuratively, or if the alcohol was working as a truth serum for her. She had admitted to be falling in love with him so it shouldn’t have come as a huge surprise but the way it seemed to flow past her lips without effort shocked him.

  Getting her into the condo was a shit show. His usual parking spot was taken which left them on the other side of the complex. He should have just carried her, but she was still sticking to her story on not being that drunk. He got out of the truck and rounded to her side quickly. The last thing he needed was her to face plant on the blacktop.

  The door swung open, and he double-stepped to grab the edge.

  “Let me help you.”

  She waved her hand and hiccupped. “I got it.”

  She didn’t have it. Not even close. Her left foot missed the step on the truck, and she fell forward. He rushed closer, hooking his arm around her waist catching her before she landed on the ground.

  Bogs slammed the door closed. “Yeah, you got it, huh?”

  She curled her arms around his neck, chuckling. “I thought I got it.” Her laughter grew louder. He shook his head, amused. If she was not puking in the next ten minutes, it would be a miracle. He leaned down to hook his arm under her legs, but she squirmed away and clasped his hand.

  “I can walk, pretty boy. C’mon, I got plans for us.” She pulled him across the lot and wobbled the entire way. He kept a tight grip on her hand and was fully prepared to have to catch her. Again.

  “Pretty boy?”

  She whipped around and wrapped her hands around his hips, staring up at him with glassy eyes. “You are pretty. And sexy.” She reached up on her toes, giving him her weight and leaning against his lips in a sinfully sexy kiss. “And funny and sweet.” She kissed him again, rubbing her hips against his dick. “And hot.”

  “I like you drunk. You’re great for my ego.”

  “You wanna know what I wanna do to you right now?”

  Bogs snickered. He couldn’t even guess what might come out of her mouth. “What, pretty girl?”

  “I want to get on my knees and suck you off.” She backed up and smiled. “Right here.” She shifted slowly, and he made a mad dash for her again before her knees made contact with the ground. As hot and sexy as a blowjob sounded, he was not doing it in the middle of his parking lot.

  He chuckled when she protested him picking her up, but he kept a firm grip.

  “Why’d you stop me, don’t you want me to?”

  He couldn’t contain his laughter. This girl was a crazy drunk. He’d make note of that. He hugged her into his body as he walked between the parked cars and onto the walkway. “Baby, you’re shit-faced, and while the idea of your lips on my cock is extremely enticing, I’m not about to let you do something I know for a fucking fact you’d be mortified about tomorrow.” He narrowed his eyes. “When you’re sober, if you still wanna blow me in the parking lot then you can.”

  The edge of her lips quirked up. “I’m sober.”

  Bogs laughed making his way down the path. “Sure, pretty girl.” They were about two doors down when he saw Macy with her dog. He smiled at his neighbor who grinned back at the scene in front of her.

  “Someone had a fun night.”

  Kenzie dropped her head back looking over at Macy. “It was girl�
��s night.”

  Macy smirked. “Well, it looks like you had a good time.” There was no denying Kenzie was wasted the way her words were slurred. He dropped her feet to the ground and kept his hands on her hips to steady her.

  “Hell yeah, so much fun.” She leaned back against Bogs chest. “Then Bogs came to pick me up.”

  Macy raised her brows and smiled. “Well, that’s Bogs, always being sweet.”

  He had known Macy for the past few years since she moved into the complex. Though they weren’t super tight, he’d done a few fixes with shit that broke at her place and shared a beer or two on his patio.

  “Yep. He’s the perfect boyfriend.” The way she stressed boyfriend had him smirking and winking at Macy. Kenzie was staking her claim, though it was completely unnecessary with Macy. His neighbor was gorgeous, smart, and a hundred percent into women.

  Macy grinned. “Goodnight you two.” She waved and walked past them. Kenzie watched her until she disappeared into her condo.

  He clasped her hand and pulled her to his door, letting go to unlock it. He swung the door open and gestured for her to walk in, but Kenzie was frozen in her spot. She glanced over her shoulder to where Macy had been, then back to him. It was hard not to laugh at her utterly adorable face. Her brows furrowed and she pointed over her shoulder.

  “Have you slept with her?” Kenzie asked. It wasn’t an accusation. In her drunken state, it appeared more innocent curiosity.

  “No, I’m not her type.” He pulled her waist and walked backward until the back of his legs hit the couch, and he fell back, sitting down. He draped her thighs over his and leaned back watching her straddle his legs. “You staked your claim on me.” He lifted a brow. “Which by the way, was hot as hell, but completely unnecessary with Macy. If anyone should be claiming someone, it’s me with you, and I’m pretty sure I caught her checking you out.”

  “She’s a lesbian?”

  “Yeah.” He smirked.

  A slow smile crept up, and her eyes widened with excitement. “Really? And she was checking me out?”

  He laughed and squeezed her ass lining her up against his straining erection. “You thinking about ditching me for Macy? She’s beautiful. I’ll give her that.”

  Kenzie leaned forward draping her breasts against him and bringing her lips to his. “Uh-uh…I like my boyfriend too much.”

  Boyfriend. The term alone was juvenile, especially when describing him. Boyfriend? Hell no. Her man? Fuck, yeah! He tightened his grip on her ass, rocking into her. He was harder than he should be considering she’d only been on him for less than a minute. He was finding out quickly that this girl had a physical effect on him that no other woman possessed.

  “Well, then, why don’t you make good on your dirty talk and slide down on those knees?”

  She made no effort to move except grinding her lower half against his cock. Tease. Her lips grazed his ear, and she purred. “Want my lips on your cock, pretty boy?”

  Yeah, she was all tease. Her core rubbed over him slowly. If she kept it up, there’d be no time for blowjobs or anything else. He caressed her back while she dragged her tongue over his neck. He had one weak spot, just below his ear. Drove him fucking crazy, sending shivers over his skin when she licked softly. He groaned, aware Kenzie was holding his balls in a knot.

  He made a mental note for retribution when she was sober. He also added that a drunk Kenzie was sexy as hell and lacked inhibitions. He planned on remembering that for the future.

  His hands rose up the back of her shirt, unclasping her bra. A soft moan emitted from her lips as he glided his hands to the front, trailing up her stomach and taking hold of her breasts. He’d always been a breast guy, and hers were perfect, full and firm. She curled into his neck as he dragged the back of his knuckles over her sensitive peaks.

  “You like that?” he whispered, knowing what her answer would be. He tweaked her nipples, and she moaned.

  “I like everything you do.” Drunk honesty at its finest. She shifted away from his touch, sliding down his body to the floor in front of them. For a girl who was drunk, she wasn’t sloppy. She glanced up through her lashes and licked her lips. The sight of her tongue had him reaching for his jeans and unsnapping them before dragging down the zipper.

  Her bottom lip pouted when he lifted his hips, pushing his jeans down to his ankles.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m trying to seduce you, and you’re ruining it by doing everything.”

  He flattened his lips to keep from laughing. “Thought I’d help. I’m just eager, pretty girl.”

  She smirked. “Well, you can’t help anymore so sit back.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He wiggled his eyebrows. This girl was too damn cute. His back brushed against the couch and he was set to relax. He immediately tensed as her warm wet mouth covered his dick in one fast swoop. Her mouth suctioned on him hard and tight. He lowered his gaze to watch. Her head bobbed slowly over his lap, and he brushed her hair away to see her face. He grasped the thick, silky strands in his fist. His lids grew heavy from the feel of her mouth on him.

  Her teeth grazed over his entire shaft, her flickering tongue teasing the tip and engulfing him fully in her mouth once again. He leaned his head back, praying to last as long as possible. This wasn’t his first blowjob, but it was by the far the best he’d ever gotten. Everything with her was the best he’d ever had. He jolted slightly when she gripped his balls in her cool soft hand. So fucking gentle it was driving him nuts. His grip on her bundled hair tightened as did his stomach. Her tongue gliding over the crown of his cock sent a ripple of heat through his blood.

  His prayers went unanswered, and he was on the edge of blowing his load. He tugged at her hair as gently as he could without losing control.

  “Pull back, pretty girl.” She drove her lips over his cock harder and sucked from the root to the tip releasing him with a pop of her lips and a coy smile. Her hand wrapped around his cock and she jerked in a quick rhythm. It felt so fucking good.

  “Fuck.” He groaned feeling her tongue circle the crown of his dick and tightening her grip over his shaft. He peered down through heavy lids to see her lick him again and pull away seconds before he came. Gripping her hair tighter than he intended, he moaned a raspy breath and yanked up his shirt just in time to come all over his stomach.

  Her hand slowed, and she whispered, “That was hot.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh and reached for the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head. He wiped his stomach and was aware of her watching him. The corner of his mouth curled.

  “You’re next, pretty girl.”

  She wobbled on her knees and landed against his chest. Her eyes were drooping, and he wondered if he’d make it upstairs before she passed out.

  He hooked her hair behind her ears, leaning up to kiss her.

  “Go up and get ready for me. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  She grinned and hiccupped. “Okay.” She stood up and stepped back. She was still very much drunk. She made her way up the stairs, and he followed behind wondering if letting her take the stairs alone was smart. She stumbled.

  Bogs reached for her, but she caught herself on the banister gaining her balance. She glanced over at him, her cheeks flushed. “I got it.”

  He nodded and watched her disappear upstairs. He cleaned himself up and double checked the doors. Thinking she might need it, he grabbed a water from the fridge before heading up to find his girl. His mouth was practically watering with anticipation to get his mouth on her. He glanced into the spare room. It was empty. Perfect. He wanted her in his bed not the spare. He rounded the doorway and stopped.

  He smiled but not from joy. It was more like a should have known smile. He shook his head, making his way to the bed where Kenzie lay in the center on her stomach fully clothed and dead to the world. She was going to wake up with a massive headache. He tossed his shirt on the floor and ripped off his boots and jeans. Then he undressed her. He contemplated getti
ng her completely naked but didn’t want to chance her having to run to the bathroom to hurl and doing it naked. He left her panties on and grabbed a tee from his dresser and put it on her.

  She mumbled a few times but never fully woke up. Once she was set under the covers, he curled in behind her and hugged her back into his chest.

  Garrison girls 1, Kenzie 0.

  Chapter Twenty

  They had woken up early for the long ride to the cabin. Aside from feeling as though death was imminent, she was excited. It took a few tries to rally and actually get out of the bed. Bogs was amazing, making her drink water and bringing her toast. She apologized profusely. Last night was a bit of a blur. She remembered drinking with the girls and Bogs telling her about seeing Taylor. She closed her eyes tightly remembering offering to blow him in the parking lot. Not one of my finer moments.

  “Be honest, did I do anything that embarrassed you or made you feel uncomfortable?”

  He snorted, rolling his eyes. “Pretty girl, I was feeling damn comfortable with your lips wrapped around my dick.”

  She sighed and bowed her head with the echo of his chuckle filling the cab of the truck.

  His hand was clasped around hers while the other lay lazily over the steering wheel. He had remained quiet for most of the ride with the occasional call he took from one of the guys. They were simple answers. T and Stone were driving up separately. Kenzie thought it was strange they insisted on going up to the cabin to meet with everyone. They no longer had any vested interest now that everything was settled with Dante. She didn’t question their motives.

  Bogs had turned off the highway, down a long, isolated road. It was a beautiful area but extremely rural. She couldn’t imagine living in these parts, away from people and stores.

  “So, whose cabin is it, Trent’s or Declan’s?”

  “Both, they share it.”

  “Really? Like partners?”

  Bogs glanced over, smirking. “Depends on what ya mean by partners. Business, yes. They been friends since they were kids, did time in the service together, along with T and Stone.” Bogs shrugged. “Never really catch one without the other.”