Impossibly Possible Page 19
She noticed he hugged or kissed all the women. Did he have to be so damn friendly? Settle down. Jealousy isn’t a good look on you. She shook off the feeling. This man brought out a possessive side to Kenzie she hadn’t even known existed.
“Hey there.” A woman with blonde hair and a low-cut top came through the small group setting her sights on Bogs only. She was really pretty. Of course, she was. He probably had beautiful women throwing themselves at him all the time.
“Hey Kami, what’s going on?” He smiled and stretched his arm, which she curled into his side for a hug. She lingered longer than the rest of the girls he greeted.
“It was boring ’til you got here.” She giggled, and there was something about the sound that made Kenzie want to cringe.
Bogs chuckled and hugged her tighter. “That’s ’cause these assholes don’t know how to have fun. Where’s your man?’
Her smile turned from friendly to seductive. “We broke up.” She pouted. “I’m single.”
She flickered her eyes up to Bogs, who had the decency to look a bit uncomfortable. He released her waist and moved away slightly. Not enough to be overtly obvious. Kenzie refrained from smiling. “Not for long I’m sure.” He winked and then looked over to her. His smile faltered.
“This is Kenzie.”
She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Hi.”
Bogs stepped forward and grabbed Kenzie’s hand. She watched Kami immediately gaze down. “Catch you all later. We’re getting a beer.” Bogs tugged her hand, and she walked with him.
“Who’s that? An ex?”
Bogs jerked his head. “No.” He huffed a laugh. “Though she’s tried. She’s a friend of my sister’s.” He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm over her shoulder. He leaned closer brushing his mouth over her ear. “You jealous?”
“No.” It was a lie, and from the smile he was giving her, he knew it.
He chuckled. “No need to be jealous of anyone, pretty girl.”
It was said in jest, but she could read between the lines. There it was, her insecurity showing. It was hard not to be when she was face to face with a woman who obviously wanted hers and wasn’t even trying to hide it. But was he? Hers? Yes!
“Ya know you don’t have to hang with me the whole night. I know ya got friends here, I can handle myself.”
“Maybe I wanna hang with you all night.” Perfect answer, Bogs.
They made their way up the stairs to the deck where a few people were gathered. She recognized T and Stone, who stood taller than the rest of the group. Their backs were turned to them. She glanced over amongst the women standing with them. Cassie was facing them, and when she glanced up and looked at Kenzie, a huge smile spread across her face. Kenzie raised her hand for a short quick wave.
Cassie pushed T, who was standing near her and rushed over. “Hey, Kenzie.”
She seemed overly excited to see her. She was unprepared for the hug T’s wife landed on her. She didn’t release Bogs’ hand but stepped forward when Cassie hugged her.
How this girl, who was so sweet and friendly, was married to T would remain one of life’s big mysteries.
“I’m glad you’re here. Come on. I’ll introduce you to the girls.”
“Hey, wait, I was going to do that,” Bogs said, humor in his tone. She looked up to see him make a face at Cassie, which was returned with an eye roll.
“Then you should have when you first came in. You didn’t so now I get to do it.”
“Baker girl, we just got here.”
“Shut up, Bogs, you’ve been here like ten minutes. You lost your chance. C’mon, Kenzie.” She gripped her hand pulling her toward the house. Kenzie glanced over her shoulder to see Bogs furrow his brows, but he winked at her and shrugged. Cassie was slightly crazy, and she liked her even more.
“You better bring her back, baker girl,” he yelled as they made their way in through the sliding glass doors.
She had met boyfriend’s families before, but none of them seemed this excited to meet her. She followed Cassie into the empty kitchen, her grip still being held by T’s tiny wife.
“Does everyone call you baker girl or just Bogs?”
Cassie giggled and turned around. “Just Bogs.” She blushed and rolled her eyes. “When I met T he was working undercover. He saved my ass one night. It’s a long story I’ll save for another time, but after he helped me out, I made him brownies and brought them down to his office.”
“That’s sweet.”
Cassie burst out laughing. “That’s what I thought! Until I got there and well, let’s just say T wasn’t as appreciative as I had hoped.”
“So, it wasn’t love at first sight?”
“No way, I couldn’t stand T when I first met him. I thought he was the biggest asshole on the face of the planet.” Cassie smiled and shook her head. “Strange how life works out, huh?”
Kenzie nodded.
“Come on. The girls are dying to meet you.”
They made their way into the living room, and Kenzie saw three women pulling what looked like plates and utensils from a large armoire. She wasn’t even sure who Cassie meant when she said ‘the girls,’ but she was about to find out.
“Look who I got?”
Kenzie’s eyes widened at Cassie’s words. She tightened her lips so as not to laugh. She was making her sound like a prize. Kenzie would admit that did something to her ego. Usually, it was Taylor who got all the fanfare. This was kinda cool.
The girls turned around at the same time. She gravitated her attention to the girl with the red curly hair. She smiled in a mocking way like she was about to make a smart-ass comment.
“Is this the chick that Bogs suckered into thinking he was a gentleman? Oh my God, she looks normal.”
What the fuck? The redhead smirked and winked at her. Kenzie wasn’t exactly sure how to take her comment, but the rest of the women burst out laughing. Cassie pulled her hand sending Kenzie jolting forward and landed arm in arm with her.
“Don’t listen to her, Emory enjoys being a bitch.”
The redhead smiled. “I’m good at it.” She reached out, and Kenzie shook her hand. “I’m Emory.” Bogs had given her a brief rundown of his family. Emory was his brother, Ethan’s wife, and Roxanne’s best friend.
The girl next to her with dark black hair and the brightest blue eyes Kenzie had ever seen pushed the redhead and stepped forward.
“It’s true, she is. Hi, I’m Roxanne.”
“Oh, Bogs’ sister? It’s nice to meet you.”
Her smile grew bigger. “You, too.”
The other girl came up to stand next to Roxanne and held out her hand. “I’m Sadie, Stone’s wife.”
“Weathergirl.” The words slipped from her mouth and Sadie’s face flushed and her lips twisted. For a brief second, she looked pissed, but then shook her head and laughed. “The one time I go braless on a cool morning, and I’ll never live it down. One of these days I’ll get my revenge.”
“Maybe Kenzie can help us.” They all laughed.
An hour later, Kenzie’s face was sore from laughing, and she wasn’t sure if her mascara was streaked below her eyes. She had been given full disclosure on how Sadie came to be weathergirl, how Bogs was loved and despised by all the girls, and her favorite, she was the first girl Bogs had brought home since high school.
Kenzie made her way outside when the girls started gathering the food. A few other girls filed in and Kenzie offered to help, but Roxanne shut her down. “Nope, first time here you get a pass. Now, next time, you’ll be in here with us.” She winked and jutted her chin. “Go find my brother and have fun.”
She walked outside and glanced around the yard. There were quite a few people by the fire and the others milling around the yard. She was seeking out Bogs. A sharp, high-pitched laugh caught her attention.
She immediately spotted him with T and Stone and, of course, the little blonde, Kami, who was stuck to h
is side. He wasn’t touching her, but her hand reached out and rubbed his back as she leaned in to say something. An angry burn rose in her chest. Stop touching him. He’s mine.
It was a strange feeling to be jealous since she couldn’t recall feeling like this with past boyfriends. She should have gone over there, but she stayed put in her spot. She glanced along the group locking eyes with Stone. Her face flushed remembering the bathroom office scene. Damn.
She turned her head catching sight of a familiar face. Jonah. He was looking at her, and a small smile played on his lips. He was surrounded by three girls. She smiled in greeting. He said something to the girls and nodded toward Kenzie then started over to her.
“Hey, Kenzie.”
“Hi, Jonah, you didn’t have to come over here.”
“I think you might have saved me.”
“They all vying for your affection?”
“Something like that.” He laughed. She liked Jonah. There was an ease about him.
She kept her back to Bogs and his small group. It took great effort to ignore someone, especially when all she wanted to do was stare over at him and see what Kami was doing. She shifted on her feet anxiously refusing to take a peek over her shoulder.
She glanced up at Jonah who stood so tall she had to crane her neck. His attention was aimed over her shoulder.
“How’s work?” She’d distract him. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about why she was there with Bogs, and he was currently enamored with another. Enamored? Really, exaggerate much?
Jonah took her cue and smiled. “Work is good.” His lip curled in a smile. “Do you even know what I do?”
Shit. She closed her eyes and dropped her chin to her chest. She sucked at deliberate small talk. She shook her head.
Jonah released a soft chuckle. “How ’bout we get some food and I’ll tell you all about my amazing, thrilling job.”
She looked up and smiled when she saw the humor across his face. “I’ll astound you with the exciting ways of construction.” He was teasing her but also giving her an out. She was going to take it.
They went inside and got in line for the food buffet. A quick scan around the room showed no signs of Bogs but her heart sunk when she saw T and Stone. That meant Bogs was alone with Kami.
Sex doesn’t make him yours. Kenzie was tempted to slap her own face in hopes that her inner voice would feel it. It was more than sex, wasn’t it?
A nudge to her shoulder brought her back to the line she was standing in. She loaded her plate. At least her belly would be full and make up for the emptiness she was feeling in her heart. When the hell did she get so damn sappy?
She followed Jonah outside again, doing a quick search for Bogs, who was nowhere to be found. Probably off with Kami. This was crazy, how he could bring her here and then take off with another woman?
“Got a lot going on in that head of yours.”
Kenzie jerked her head to Jonah, who had taken a seat. Was she being too obvious? Of course, you are. She straightened her shoulders and took the seat next to him. She didn’t answer him and started eating. They both cleared their plates without another word. When she sat back with the plate resting on her lap, Jonah reached out taking it from her and brought it to the garbage before returning with two beers, handing her one without saying another word.
“Want the less than exciting version of how I came to be a contractor or the abbreviated version?”
She giggled and met his gaze. The world needed more Jonahs. Men who refused to let women wallow in their insecurities.
“From the beginning.”
“That’s a tall order for a man who isn’t keen on talking about himself, but I’ll give it my best shot.” He winked. “I started working right out of high school for my dad’s friend. I didn’t know shit about tools, or building but I spent the next two years running myself all over, learning basics. Took some college courses in business, got a degree. Bill decided to relocate, and I took over his construction company. Most of the guys left when I took over, so I started with a new batch of guys. Got lucky, they’re all still with me. Built the company up, bidding on bigger jobs.”
“That’s impressive.”
Jonah shrugged. “You do what ya gotta do.”
“Well, you should be proud of yourself. I bet your mom and dad are proud.”
The change in his eyes was faint, but she saw it and immediately regretted her last statement.
“I’m sure they would have been.” Would have been? Her heart sank an inch into her chest. She knew that phrase and had said it herself a few times.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
Jonah reached over resting his hand on her knee and squeezing lightly. “Don’t be. They would have been proud, and I appreciate that little reminder you just gave me.”
“What about you? Your parents proud?”
Her face paled. She nodded and gave him a strained smile. “My dad is.” She paused. “And my mom would have been.”
He nodded in understanding and gave her knee another squeeze before releasing it to sit back in his chair. She waited for the uncomfortable silence to set in. It didn’t. They sat next to one another and stared into the fire. She wondered if he was thinking about his parents like she was thinking of her mom. They were part of a club that neither wanted to be a member.
Her gaze wandered around the yard. There was a group playing horseshoes. Other small groups were sitting or standing eating. She turned her head to see Cassie and Sadie talking, with Emory following behind. She leaned forward saying something that had the others burst out laughing. It made her smile. They seemed tight, reminding her of how much she missed her best friend.
She turned back to Jonah and noticed his eyes locked on something or someone behind her. He seemed almost entranced. It had to be a woman he was staring at. Having his attention drawn somewhere else, she got a good look at him. He was extremely good looking in a rugged, masculine way. She couldn’t help but wonder who he was so focused on. She slowly turned her head. Roxanne had been grabbing a beer from the cooler. She was beautiful. She reminded her of Taylor. Men couldn’t help but notice her and even some women weren’t immune to her beauty.
Roxanne looked over as if she could feel their stares. Her eyes gazed over, but not at Kenzie, just beyond her. Jonah. She recognized the look. She wore the same one the first time she saw Bogs. Roxanne’s gaze flickered to Kenzie, and she smiled before moving on to the girls’ group in the corner.
If she had to bet, she’d say Jonah’s eyes were still on the blue-eyed girl. She shifted in her seat and gave him a side glance. She’d have won that bet.
Bogs was never one to shy away from the attention from a girl, but he was currently in hiding trying to dodge Kami. What the fuck? She had barely left his side the whole night. Roxanne had given him the lowdown of the break up with her boyfriend and how hard she was taking it. It sucked especially for Kami, who was a sweet girl, but there was only so much attention he could give when all he wanted was to be around his girl.
He had left to go to the bathroom and was coming out when he saw his brothers gathered in the kitchen. It amused him—the scene laid out in front of him. Stone was wrapping up a platter with Ethan wiping down the counters. So fucking domesticated, those two. T was no surprise, standing off to the side drinking a beer.
“This is fucking pitiful. You three hanging in the kitchen like a bunch of chicks. Is this what marriage does to a man?” Bogs crossed his arm and laughed. “Where are your wives, outside playing hacky sack with your balls?”
“At least I got a set,” Stone said, putting the platter into the fridge. Bogs gave him the finger and turned to Ethan.
“You met my girl yet?”
Ethan quirked his brow and smirked. “Yes, about fifteen years ago when Rox brought her home for a playdate.”
What the… Bogs crossed his arms and glared at Ethan. He was insinuating that Kami was who he was referri
ng to.
“Am I wrong?” He looked between the guys with an innocent glint. Bogs knew better, and so did Ethan, but his oldest brother was going to fuck with him.
“Don’t think so, man. It’s gotta be Kami, that’s the chick Bogs has been hanging with all night. She’s got her hands all over him, him standing around letting that shit go down. I’m thinking if there was another girl, she’d be pissed as hell, but Bogs don’t seem too worried so no, E, you don’t got it wrong.” Stone said, grabbing his beer from the counter.
“Fuck you all,” Bogs said, keeping his temper in check.
T snorted. “Made such a big fucking deal about Kenzie, now here ya are with her, and you ignore her. Fuck, man, you looking to claim my title as biggest motherfucker in the family?”
Bogs straightened his back. “I’m not ignoring her. Tried to get away from Kami but she is on me like white on rice. Hell, she knows where I’m gonna be before I even do. Crazy. Besides, I want Kenzie to hang with the girls, get to know them. Figure they’ll be planning a night out of drunken debauchery before the end of the night.” He had seen her hanging with them earlier. He wanted to be with her, but he liked the idea of her hanging with the girls, getting to know them. His family was important, and he wanted the girls to take her in the fold.
“Yeah, well there might be a night of drunken debauchery but not with the girls. She’s been spending most of the night with Jonah.” T took a swig of his beer and cocked an eyebrow.
The bolt of jealousy was instant like someone lit a match and waved it across his chest. A harsh burn. He had caught her talking with him earlier on one of his many attempts to get away from Kami. Of course, he didn’t see Jonah as a threat at the time considering his gaze kept wandering to his sister.
“Jonah’s a good guy. Lonely, too. Needs someone sweet like Kenzie,” Stone said, without batting a lash. They were fucking with Bogs, but it was completely accurate. In his quest to not hurt Kami’s feelings, he apparently was sacrificing Kenzie’s. He had a feeling he had fucked up royally.