Impossibly Possible Read online

Page 17

  “Listen, I gotta run, but I’ll see ya on Sunday.”

  “Bye.” She hung up, and Bogs got up from his desk, just as Stone passed by his door. He trailed behind his brother, passing by the closed conference door where Kenzie was working. He was tempted to go in and see how she was doing but he didn’t.

  He walked into T’s office. They were both sitting down, T at his desk, Stone across from him.

  “What did you tell Rox about Kenzie? Got her thinking I’m getting hitched.”

  Stone shrugged. “Told her you got a girl.”

  “What else, ’cause that can’t be it.”

  Stone looked over. “Told her you reminded me of T when he met Cassie.” He smirked across the desk at T then looked back. “And me when I met Sadie.”

  There was no denying it. He was showing the same signs his brothers had when they fell for their women. Bogs scoffed as he sat down. “No way, man. You two acted like a couple of pussies.”

  “Fuck you, Bogs. No bigger pussy than the one I’m looking at. That girl has got your balls in her pocket.” T scowled.

  They continued with their meeting, all talk of testicles in the past. There were a few small jobs in the area, a surveillance on an alleged cheating wife, a jumper who had taken up residency at his own mother’s house, and a corporate investigation. For the next few weeks, it would be quiet. Bogs gave the guys the rundown on the call with Trent. As long as he was dealing with Dante, they were off the hook, though hanging out of sight was still the plan until the matter was settled.

  For now, he’d finish off his day. They still had a few hours, and Bogs was not the most patient man. He smiled as he left T’s office and set his sights on the conference room.

  Break time, pretty girl.


  Kenzie was just typing up an email when Bogs came into the office. She held up a finger, and he nodded. His gaze traveled down her body making her squirm until she looked away. She could feel the weight of his stare on her as she finished up. She hit send.


  “What’s going on?”

  “Just thought I’d check on you. And let you know I talked to Trent.”

  That got her attention, and she sat up. “Did he find her?”

  “Yeah, he’s got her, she’s safe and giving him shit.”

  Kenzie took a deep breath and sat back in the chair sending him a sympathetic smile. “I bet. Taylor doesn’t like not being in control, but as long as she’s safe… Can I talk to her or maybe see her?”


  She fidgeted with the papers on the table. If Taylor was found, then there was no reason she shouldn’t head back to her place. She should be relieved and happy. Finally, life would go back to normal. Then why was she disappointed?

  “So, I guess, you’ll be taking me home, then, right?” She peeked up through her lashes hoping to see a bit of disappointment in his eyes to. The corner of his mouth curled, and he slowly shook his head.

  “Trent’s got her but nothing with Dante has changed. Until everything is squared away, you’re stuck with me.” He leaned forward resting his elbows on the table. “That’s not such a bad thing, is it?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Come with me. I’m starving.” He got up from his seat and held the door open for her. She was walking to the lobby when he grabbed her hand and pulled her near the back door. Right next to the bathroom.

  His explanation of wanting to get something to eat sounded off, but she went along with him.

  “Bogs, what are…?”

  He pushed open the bathroom door and pulled her inside. It was impeccably clean and orderly, a one-person bathroom

  She barely had time to think when he pushed her up against the wall and crowded her. The devilish gleam in his eyes could only mean one thing. She ignored the tingling excitement coming from between her legs.

  She shook her head. “Oh, hell no.” Her fingers dug into his chest trying to push him back. The corner of his mouth lifted and he slowly nodded.

  “Hell yes, pretty girl. I told you I was starving.” His head angled to the side and his eyes heated. “Now, are you gonna feed your man?”

  His voice was husky making her tighten her legs together to ease the tension of her pulsing clit. Her heart beat faster, and her breath hitched. Any rational thought of pushing him away was gone, and he knew it. His heavy lids masked his eyes, and she watched him slowly drop to his knees.

  This was not happening. His hands curved around her calves and caressed up her thighs, lifting her skirt in the process. All the while his hazel eyes stared at her. He was daring her to try and stop him. She should have, but she stood frozen watching him.

  Her skirt bunched around her waist. God, he was really going to go down on her in a public bathroom? At his office? With his brothers and Corissa not far away? This was crazy. She couldn’t let this happen.

  “Mmmm…sexy panties for work?” He gripped the sides and dragged them down her legs to her ankles.

  She gulped. “They’re not sexy.” Her voice was shaky, and her bottom lip trembled in anticipation.

  “Oh, they are very sexy, pretty girl.” He kissed her inner thigh, his hair brushing against her lips, sending a shiver through her core. It was an ache. She needed his mouth on her.

  “Then again, everything you wear is sexy.” He pressed a light kiss on her pelvic bone. He was teasing her, getting her riled up. A flick of his tongue over her clit had her pressing her head against the hard wall.

  She closed her eyes waiting for him to touch her again. The anticipation was almost painful. She wanted his mouth on her. Her uneven breath was sharp, and she swallowed. She peered down. He was so close to her she could feel his breath over her lips.

  His gaze was almost sinister. His lips slowly curled. “Come a little closer, baby?”

  She shifted her hips forward slowly watching her pussy inch toward his waiting mouth. The second his lips touched her, her heart accelerated, and her body sank into the hard wall. He traced a line from her clit down to her opening that was begging for him. As if he could hear her pleas, his finger teased her moist pussy before entering.

  Anyone could walk in and catch them. At that moment she didn’t care, as long as he kept his mouth on her. He laved at her nub sending a shock through her; he was so good at that. His tongue swept through her lips parting them while another finger was added. He pumped inside her, curling his finger slightly, hitting a spot that had her seeing white dots around the room.

  Her hand dove into his soft locks, tangling her fingers. She moaned, not caring if she could be heard. Everything else didn’t exist, just him and her and this feeling of pure ecstasy.

  “More…” she whispered. “More.”

  His hearty rumble vibrated against her sending her into a climax instantly. His fingers pumped harder, and his tongue firmly flicked her clit.

  Her screams were muted by her top teeth biting down on her bottom lip. She moaned until she orgasmed and collapsed against the wall. Her legs were so shaky she lost balance, but he gripped her ass, keeping her from falling.

  She relaxed against the wall keeping her eyes closed. Her breathing was erratic, but her smile was at ease. That was like nothing she’d ever felt.

  She was aware of Bogs pulling her panties up and adjusting her skirt to its original position. Even without opening her eyes, she could feel the shift in his body that was crowding her. His lips swept against her. So soft.

  “Never tasted anything as sweet as you.”

  In her euphoric state, she whispered, “You want me to return the favor?”

  His soft chuckle had her gripping his belt. All rational thought had just left the building taking professionalism with it. She had pulled the belt from the loop when his hands halted her.

  She teasingly shook her head. “No favor?”

  His dimples embedded deep in his cheeks. “Not now. I like the idea of you owing me. Anytime I want I can cash it in.”

Nothing could ruin this moment.

  “Where the fuck is he?”

  Except that. Reality sucked.

  Her face flushed and her head immediately swung to the door. Would they come in here looking for him? Oh, my God. She would be mortified. Would they be able to tell that their brother just went down on her in a public bathroom? Her face heated and she tried to push Bogs away. His hands cupped her hot face bringing her gaze up to him.

  “Relax,” he whispered.


  “Baby, relax. They’re not gonna barge in here. Even if they came looking, they would be entering a girl’s bathroom. Trust me, T may be a caveman, but he has decency.” He rolled his eyes. “Not much, but enough to stay out of a woman’s bathroom unless invited in. Besides, Corissa would hand him his ass, and then tell Cassie, who’d probably shoot him.”

  “You go out first. I’ll wait and come out when you leave.”

  Bogs snickered. “They’re gonna know you’re in here if they see me walking out of the ladies’ room. Come on.” He tugged her hand, but she shook her head feverishly and pressed her back deeper into the wall.

  “No. They may know you’re in here with me, but if I don’t see their faces, I can pretend and lessen the embarrassment.” She nodded. “Go.”

  Bogs smirked. “Okay, I’ll go.” He stole a quick kiss and walked to the door. He glanced over his shoulder and licked his lips. “Gonna have the taste of you on my lips all day. That should hold me over until tonight.”

  He left, and she stayed planted against the wall.

  “It’s about fucking time, asshole. What’s wrong with the guy’s bathroom?”

  Kenzie’s face heated again. She glanced at the mirror confirming the burning of her face. She listened for their voices, but the murmuring seemed further away until it was silent. She didn’t want to know anything about that conversation. She was just fine pretending they wouldn’t figure out what he was doing in the bathroom.

  She inched toward the door and opened it slightly. Breathing a sigh of relief at the silence, she walked out. A second too early. A head poked out from one of the offices. She caught a glimpse of Stone, and his green eyes landed on her. His smirk was the last thing she saw before he walked into the office.


  Chapter Fourteen

  “Where exactly is this place?” She scanned the area. This was a side of Texas she didn’t even know existed.

  They had stopped by his condo and grabbed their stuff before heading out to his friend’s place. After their interlude in the bathroom, she made a point of not leaving the conference room for the rest of the afternoon. The mere sound of Stone’s voice through the walls made her face burn like a fire. Luckily, she didn’t run into him, or T. Even Corissa had gone for the day when they left the office. She would worry about tomorrow another time.

  “I thought you were from around here? Don’t tell me you believe Texas is just oil fields, ranches, and tall skyscrapers.”

  “And football.”

  Bogs chuckled. “We’re close. From the directions my buddy gave me, it should be around the bend at the end of the street.”

  She picked it out as soon as they rounded the corner. At the end of the road was a house, beautiful and obviously unfinished. The construction materials lay on the side covered in a blue tarp. A beat-up red pickup was in the driveway. Bogs pulled in next to it.

  “This is where we are sleeping?” Kenzie sat further up in her seat looking up at the large framed house.

  “Jonah said it’s got a room set up, and there’s water and heat. May not be the Ritz, but it’ll do.” Bogs opened the door and got out. Kenzie did the same and followed him up the path of wood boards that lay in front of the porch.

  She hadn’t heard the door open but when she looked up a man was standing on the small porch. Damn.

  “Was worried you wouldn’t find it.” His voice was deep and gravelly. It suited him perfectly.

  “Don’t insult me, man, I can find anything.” Bogs reached out, taking the man’s hand for a shake. He turned around as he slapped the man’s back.

  “Jonah, this is Kenzie, my girl on the run. Kenzie, this is Jonah, harborer of Houston’s most wanted.”

  Jonah chuckled. His hand engulfed hers reminding her that his size almost doubled hers. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too. Thanks for this, I appreciate your help.”

  He nodded, releasing her hand, stepping back. It gave her an unobstructed view of the man. He was handsome but in a harsh, rugged way. His jaw was squared with high cheekbones, and the palest green eyes that somehow popped against his naturally tan skin. And he was huge. He must have stood at least six four, maybe six five. His long-sleeved shirt and beat up jeans covered most of his body but she could tell he was built.

  “Come on in. I’ll show around. Hope you weren’t expecting too much.”

  “As long as it’s got a bed, we’re golden.”

  Kenzie gasped. “Bogs.” Of course, his mind would go to sex, but why did he have to say that in front of Jonah. Was nothing sacred with this man? She glared at him.

  Bogs smirked and cocked his brow. “For sleeping, as long as we have a bed for sleeping. That’s what I was thinking.” He glanced over at Jonah, who was holding back a smile of his own. “What were you thinking, pretty girl?”

  She squinted her eyes. It wasn’t his fault it was her mind that went to him insinuating sex. She glanced away taking great interest in the mud on the ground.

  “Come on,” Jonah said, being a gentleman and not making her suffer any longer through her embarrassment. She followed behind as Jonah then Bogs walked through the front door.

  Jonah explained how the house was a month or two away from completion. Most rooms had been framed out, some walls had even been put up, but for the most part, the only livable areas were the bathroom and bedroom upstairs. The large open living room had a couch that had seen better days, and a television set up on a pop-up table.

  “Sometimes, I work late so I set it up so I can spend the night or two.” They walked through the large room as Jonah explained the layout. She heard him, but she was mainly focused on the size of the house and how beautiful it would be when it was finished.

  “There’s a mini fridge you’re welcome to use, and I think there’s at least two towels in the bathroom. Other than that, it’s pretty much bare bones.”

  “It’s perfect, man. I appreciate you doing this for me.”

  “Anything, brother, you know that.”

  Kenzie jerked her head to the men standing a few feet away. Jonah’s words caught her attention, and she watched them. It wasn’t so much what he said but how he said it. It was a declaration. There was history there.

  The men walked back into the large room, and Jonah smiled at her. He had a great smile, wide with gleaming white teeth, and it was friendly. A nice contrast on his hard face.

  “Nice to meet ya, Kenzie.”

  “Thanks, again.”

  He nodded then shook Bogs’ hand and was out the door.

  She turned back to Bogs. “Now what?”

  His eyes narrowed, and he stalked to her. “I think you know what comes next.”

  She did. With his predatory stare, she could feel her panties dampening. This situation should have her in fear, with sex being the last thing on her mind. Not with Bogs though. She stepped back which had him cock his head to the side before he charged.

  He grabbed her waist, hoisting her legs around his waist and kissed her with such ferocious desire she was digging her hands into his shoulders and yanking on his shirt. She was completely lost in their kiss.

  She felt the sweep of his steps. He was taking her upstairs. Her eyes remained closed, so into their kiss she didn’t even realize they made it into the bedroom until she was dropped and bounced on the mattress.

  She giggled but hushed when he stood at the edge of the bed stripping off his clothes. This wouldn’t be long with much foreplay, not that she needed it. The only
thing she needed was him. Inside her. She tugged her shirt from the waist of her jeans and pulled it over her head. Quickly, she unclasped her bra, tossing it onto the floor next to her.

  Bogs had been quicker than her and was coming at her fully naked. She licked her lips and could swear she heard a growl, so she did it again. His growl grew louder as he gripped her jeans, pulling them down her legs taking her panties with them.

  She leaned back against the bed as he rushed to her and lay flat against her body, his cock, fitting snuggly against her core between her legs. She moaned as he rocked his hips and the head of his dick rubbed against her clit. Her hands dug into his back wanting him closer.

  She brushed her face against his neck, inhaling his scent of musky pine. It comforted her, everything about Bogs did. There was security in his words, in his actions, even in the way he smelled. His retreating body had her grip around his back tighten. She didn’t want to lose the warmth of his body.

  A masculine chuckle vibrated against her chest as he leaned back, taking hold of her wrists and lifting them over her head. Her fingers tangled with the rods of the headboard.

  “Hold on, pretty girl.” He winked and slowly slithered down her body. She could not look away, and her legs twisted in anticipation.

  She tightened her grip on the barred headboard. The breeze from the ceiling fan above was sending shivers over her skin in a light sensual tease. A moan slipped passed her lips. She didn’t know if her beaded nipples were a result or if it was from the menacing tongue lashing Bogs was giving her clit. Either way, they were hard and almost painful. Through her hooded eyes, she watched his eyes close and his mouth devour her pussy.

  She wiggled against his mouth, pulling away from his assault. His tongue flicked over her sensitive nub, and she gasped. Her head dug deep into the pillow trying to control her breathing, but she felt the onset of her orgasm, and her heart beat faster at the anticipation. His fingers curled into her hips to keep her in place. This man was a god with his friggin’ tongue.