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Impossibly Possible Page 14

  Leaving her wet panties, he gripped the hem and sharply ripped them down to her ankles. Leaning in, smelling her desire, he lost all control.


  “Oh God.” She moaned, resting her head against the wall. His mouth was on her, and her body was a mix of tingling heat and a cool chill rushing over her flesh. He paid close attention to her clit, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bead. Her entire body tensed unable to give in to the feel of his mouth. She’d had guys go down on her in the past, but nothing like this. This was different. Bogs knew exactly what he was doing. She slumped against the wall, doing her best to not crumble from the shivers trembling over her. Yeah, he was different.

  Damn, her mind was already reeling. His tongue tapped against her spot, and she gasped when he sucked hard. This was too good. She released the wall with one hand, sliding it into his hair. She glanced down and was struck that she’d never seen anything hotter than this man with his head at her pussy. Yep, pussy. Not vagina, or down there—straight up pussy.

  At the exact moment, he inserted a finger into her, and she gripped a handful of his hair. “Bogs…” Her moan was throaty and desperate. He didn’t respond, but he acknowledged her with a swift lash over her clit as he pumped inside her.

  “Yes!” She screamed through her uneven breaths. She rolled her head back against the wall as she trembled from the heat of her core. He was relentless as she pushed her hips forward against his mouth and gasped as she came hard. It was long and lingering, and fucking fantastic. She panted, releasing his hair she had been tightly gripping, and opened her eyes. She felt a breeze of cool air and watched his back, only a sliver of his backside showed from what was to be her attempt at giving him a blowjob.

  She focused on his eyes as he stalked back. They were heated, making his hazel eyes appear almost green. He licked his lips. Heat blazed on her cheeks. He was licking her off his lips. Oh, God, that was friggin’ hot!

  “Turn around.” His voice was husky and raspy. She followed his order. How could she not? She faced the wall bracing her hands in front of her. Her legs shook from the anticipation. She heard the crinkling paper from the condom. Thank God he was thinking about that. He covered her back with his damp chest. His hot breath tickled her neck.

  The head of his cock poked between her upper thighs. “Still want to choose the bed?”

  Her breath was erratic. She stammered, “N-no.”

  “Are you sure?” His whisper was a taunting tease.

  “Bogs…” She moaned.

  His hands trailed from her shoulders down her back. His fingers dug into her hips, and with one stroke, he entered her. She could feel every inch of his cock slowly glide into her core. His groan reverberated through the room. His lips were so close to her ear she felt the wave of his heated breath. “So wet,” he kissed her neck, “warm,” he kissed the same spot, “and perfect.”

  Her head fell back into the crook of his neck, and she closed her eyes. He was fully lodged deep inside her, but he wasn’t moving. His hands ran up her stomach to her breasts. For a computer guy, his hands were rough, not smooth as she’d expected the first time. The hard calluses scraped against her nipples.

  He pulled out and slowly drove back past her lips. She tightened her grip by clenching her pelvis. He snorted. “You trying to tell me something, pretty girl?” He fucked her slowly, ignoring her silent request. He needed to move faster, but he seemed intent on teasing her. She moaned uncontrollably.


  He clucked his tongue. “Uh-uh, wanna take you slow, make it last.”

  He twisted her nipples each time he pulled out, squeezing them and releasing as he pounded into her. Only a foot of space stood between her and the wall. Her arms tensed as he slammed into her again. Her nails scraped his wall, and for a brief second, she thought she might chip the paint.

  His hands left her breasts, gliding back to her ass. He squeezed, digging his fingers into her skin. He slammed into her with deep strokes. She was close to her second orgasm when he completely lost control, fucking her furiously and roughly. It was like a sneak attack. She threw her head back and felt the tingling sensation garnish inside. She came so fast she lost her breath. With one more deep thrust, he rooted himself inside her and grunted.

  His chest collapsed against her back, and she rushed forward, flattening into the wall. It was unexpected. She stumbled to the side. His strong arm wrapped around her stomach saving her from a fall. He settled on her with his chin resting on her shoulder. He was breathing heavily through his nose. So was she.

  “You did it again,” he whispered, nestling his nose into her hair.

  “Did what?” Her breath hitched.

  “Had reality surpass my imagination.”

  She giggled, resting her forehead against the wall. “You sweet talking me, Bogs?”

  “I’m trying. Of course, I’m sure I’ll fuck it up when I tell you how much I can’t wait to feel your mouth on my cock.”

  She laughed.

  “Let get upstairs and I’ll show you my cuddling skills, I wasn’t lying about that. Give me a second to clean up.”

  She leveled her footing, still a bit off balance from the orgasm. Her legs felt like jelly. She righted the cups of her bra and bent down, grabbing her dress. She was about to put it back on when he emerged from the kitchen.

  He stalked over, grabbed the dress from her hand and tossed it on the floor. He gripped her hips, hiking her legs around his waist. She gasped.

  “What are you doing?’

  “Taking you to bed.” He walked up the stairs gripping her bare ass in his hands.

  She chuckled. “What about my clothes?”

  He growled. “You’re not gonna need them.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Go away.

  She rolled over at the obnoxious sound blaring in the dark room. Her mind could barely register where she was, or what time it might be. All she could hope was the sound blasting her eardrums would stop. She grabbed the pillow, folding it over her ears, and the loud unbearable music subsided.

  “Thank you,” she whispered with her eyes closed. This had been the third time the ringtone sounded. She took a deep breath and reached over to his side of the bed. Bogs. Just the thought of him made her sleepy mind perk up. She slowly smiled as she patted the empty mattress in search of his warm body.

  What the hell? She pried her eyes open to find herself alone. She sat up scanning the room and noticed the light glow from underneath the bathroom door. The phone blasted again, and she leaned over, seeing the one letter name on the screen. She scrambled out of bed and knocked on the door.

  “Bogs, your phone is ringing.” She pressed her ear up against the door to hear the radio playing, and she giggled when his voice sounded in the background. He was singing in the shower. There wasn’t much Bogs lacked, but his singing ability was definitely one. He sang off key, and she had to cover her mouth from laughing.

  She banged harder, calling out a bit louder. “Bogs, the phone.” He continued singing. She gripped the knob and stopped. Were they at the point she could barge in while he was showering? She glanced over her shoulder at the phone. It rang once more before stopping.

  The decision was made for her. She grabbed the t-shirt he’d worn last night off the edge of the bed and draped her body. It resembled more of a dress on her. It felt right too. She picked up clothes from the floor, tossing them into his hamper on the way out his door when the phone started up again.

  Rushing over to the nightstand, she realized it was the same caller. She gazed back to the door and then to the phone again. Why him? Why not someone else? She sighed and picked up the phone.


  “Who’s this?’ he barked.

  She gulped. Who did he think it was? Was Bogs such a horndog that T would actually think he’d have another girl with him?

  “Kenzie?” T’s voice sent shivers down her spine, and not the good ones. She was tempted to say wrong number and
hang up. That would only piss him off more.

  She quickly blurted. “He’s in the shower, and he didn’t answer when I knocked before when you called.”

  “Go get him.”

  “He’s in the shower.”

  “I know, you just fucking told me that. Go in and tell him I’m on the phone.”

  “I’m not going to barge in on him.”

  “What the fuck, it ain’t like you haven’t seen his dick.”

  What a rude prick! T was slightly less scary when he wasn’t in front of her face. She found a new confidence being separated by the phone. She had enough of this guy.

  “Get him.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I’m not barging in on him just because you tell me to. And for the record, if you want someone to do you a favor, you should change tactics. You catch more bees with honey.” She closed her eyes wishing she could take the last part back.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Obviously, he didn’t appreciate or understand what she was trying to relay. A muffled voice in the background spoke, but she couldn’t make out what the person said.

  “I don’t know, some shit about honey.” His voice drifted from the phone as if he was talking to someone else. “This is fucking great, all we need is another fucking crazy ass woman in the family.”

  The faint sound of a masculine voice laughed. “She’s gonna fit right in with the girls.”

  She had no clue what they were talking about. She assumed the voice with T was Stone’s. She sighed knowing she would probably be the butt of a joke once she hung up which she decided was a good time to do now. “I’ll tell him to call you back.”

  She pulled the phone from her ear, but T shouted her name.

  “Hold up. I need him to check on Cass.”

  “Who’s Cass?”

  “My wife.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes grew the size of saucers. She was in utter disbelief. “You’re married?”

  “Yeah, don’t sound so fucking shocked. Tell him I need him to swing by and check on her before he goes into the office.”

  Someone married T Garrison? Visions of a crazy, psychotic woman filled her head. Who would put up with a guy like that? Probably a woman equally as scary.

  “Okay, I’ll tell him.” She waited for a response, she wasn’t exactly expecting a thank you, but possibly an okay or even a grunt. She got nothing but a dead phone. She pulled it away from her ear and stared at it.

  “I thought you’d wait at least until our official first date before going through my phone.” His voice surprised her, and the phone fumbled through her fingers but luckily landed on the bed. Great, now he thought she was a stalker. She turned her head to tell him about T’s request, and her breath skipped.

  Bogs stood in the doorway, with only a towel wrapped around his waist and beads of water flecked over his chest. Oh, my God. He was like a poster boy for an Axe commercial. It wasn’t the first time she saw him half naked, but there was something in a way the towel hung low, teasing her, and his hair damp from the shower in a messy but completely hot way. His chest was defined and cut in a way she could envision herself tracing the lines with her tongue.

  “Oh, now those thoughts are definitely naughty.”

  Her face heated as her eyes traveled up to meet his. The corner of his lips curled forming an amazing and amused smile. She didn’t even bother denying it, anyone would see through her lie. Her beaded nipples through his shirt were enough evidence. Her heartbeat jumped when he moved closer.

  His hand reached out, gripping her waist and pulling her body against his. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his back. His eyebrow cocked with a smirk. “Find anything good on my phone, spy girl?”

  “I wasn’t looking through your phone. It kept ringing, and I tried getting your attention, but you were…” she giggled “…belting out eighties hair band rock.”

  He furrowed his brows. “I missed my calling, I think.”

  She burst out laughing. “No, you didn’t, stick to computers, tech boy.” He gripped her waist and tossed her on the bed, coming down on top of her.

  “Tech boy, huh?” His mouth descended on hers with a swipe of his tongue. “Pretty girl thinks she’s funny.” She reached up taking his mouth in another kiss. He rested the weight of his body on her, grasping her neck, angling her for a deeper kiss. She could spend all day with him just kissing and be completely content. His cock pressed deep against her core. It felt so good. His lips left her mouth only to travel down her neck.

  “I think we’ll have to be late for work.”

  Her eyes shot open, and she surged up, catching him off guard. He fell to the side and laughed. “Or not.”

  “Shit, I forgot. Um…it was T on the phone. He wanted you to check on his wife before going into the office.”

  Bogs sat up, his demeanor changing into serious mode. “Something wrong with Cassie?”

  Kenzie shrugged. “I don’t know. He just said he wanted you to swing by and check on her.”

  Bogs got up from the bed and grabbed his phone. “Let me call him back. Can you be quick?”

  She nodded and watched him walk out of the room. She hadn’t seen this side of Bogs, all serious and concerned. A wave of guilt washed over her. She should have told him right away, but she got distracted. She rushed down the hall to the spare room and got ready in record time.

  Twenty minutes later they were in his truck on their way to T’s house.

  “I’m having a hard time envisioning T married.”

  Bogs snorted. “Yeah, well, I can understand why. Out of all my brothers, he’s the most, uh…” He cocked his brow and smiled. “Rough around the edges.”

  Brothers? She jerked her head with her body following and stared at Bogs. “You’re brothers?”

  He grinned at her. “You should see your face. It’s a cross between shock and horror.”

  She immediately closed her mouth, not even realizing until now her jaw had dropped, leaving her mouth wide open.

  He snickered. “Would I get the same reaction if I told ya Stone is another brother?”

  Her eyes widened. Yes! They were brothers? All of them? She sat back in her seat staring at Bogs. Not one of them held any resemblance to each other, and as far as she could tell, they acted nothing alike.

  “How come you’ve never told me?”

  He shrugged pulling over on the side street. “You never asked.”

  It was true. She hadn’t.

  They got out of the truck and headed up the path to the small cape style house. The door flew open before they even hit the stairs.

  A tiny blonde with big blue eyes stood in the door wearing yoga pants, and a bandana around her short hair. This was T’s wife? She was stunningly beautiful and obviously unhappy.

  “I told him not to bother you. I’m fine.” She tilted her head in a frustrated huff.

  “You know how he is about you, Cass. Besides, gives me an excuse to come over and raid your fridge. I don’t got shit in mine.” Bogs walked forward and hugged the small woman. She smiled shaking her head. When they ended their embrace, her eyes immediately landed on Kenzie, and she grinned. Kenzie was completely caught off guard by Cassie. This is T’s wife?

  “You’re T’s wife?” She couldn’t catch herself, and she blurted in disbelief. She regretted it instantly. She drew in a breath, forcing a smile. “I’m Kenzie.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” Her voice pitched high. She reached out taking her hand and shook it vigorously. Kenzie smiled but stopped short of laughing. She couldn’t remember the last time someone seemed this excited to see her.

  “She was having a hard time understanding how anyone could marry an asshole like T,” Bogs said.

  “I didn’t say that.” She glared at Bogs wanting him to shut the hell up as heat rose up her neck.

  “Don’t feel bad, you are not the first to be surprised. He’s actually a really great guy when
you get to know him.” Kenzie found that hard to believe, but she smiled anyway.

  Cassie finally released her hand and clapped hers together. “Am I the first?” Kenzie stared back at her. The first what?

  “Whoa, baker girl, slow down and back away from my girl. Gonna send her running with all your crazy.” She glared playfully at Bogs, but she quickly smiled again when he put his arm over her shoulder. “Yes, you are the first. You get the bragging rights, get to run back to the rest of them and say you met her first.” He raised his head and inhaled. “You making brownies?”

  “Well, yeah, had to make your visit worthwhile since there’s nothing wrong with me. Damn, stubborn, bossy man of mine. I mention I’m nauseous and he’s ready to call the ambulance as if I’m the first woman in history to be pregnant.”

  Now, it made sense. Not that T was married or a soon-to-be dad. She still couldn’t figure out why someone would put up with him, but his concern made sense, and it made him seem more human.

  “She makes the best brownies. C’mon, you gotta have one while I have six,” Bogs said, walking further into the house.

  “That’s how I got dubbed baker girl.” Cassie giggled. “It’s better than being weather girl.”

  “He’s got a thing with that, huh?”

  Cassie nodded.” Yep, I’m baker girl, Sadie is weather girl, but don’t ask her why when you meet her—she hates her story. And my best friend, Evie, is shy girl.”

  She was secretly happy no one got her nickname.

  They entered the kitchen to see Bogs shoving a brownie in his mouth. They smelled delicious.

  “Please eat some, the sight of any food turns my stomach so they’ll go to waste.” She turned to Bogs. “I was giving her the history of your nicknames. So, when are you going to give Kenzie one?”

  “Already did. First time I saw her.” Bogs shifted his gaze to Kenzie, and the butterflies swirled in her stomach. “Isn’t that right, pretty girl?”

  She didn’t think it was possible to make her a giddy middle-schooler but her cheeks flushed, and nothing she did could hold back her smile.

  “Awww…” Cassie sniffled. Kenzie looked over to see her with tears in her eyes. Bogs calling her pretty girl was sweet and made her happy but certainly not enough to make anyone cry. Cassie shook her head. “Sorry, hormones.”