Impossibly Possible Read online

Page 13

  “Hey pretty girl, ya ready?”

  Corissa glanced up at Bogs. “Aw, you call her pretty girl?”

  He chuckled and turned to Kenzie winking, “I call em like I see ’em.”

  Kenzie turned her head, tearing her gaze away from him. He was sending some kind of ridiculously bad mixed signals. He was pawing her and flirting with Kenzie. The word douchebag was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t seem to fully commit to thinking it. She was getting too attached to this guy. It was one night, hell, not even a night, one morning of amazing, mind-blowing sex that didn’t change anything. Her situation still sucked, she was still worried over Taylor, who may or may not be caught, and to add to it, the one guy who had managed to stir something in her was turning out to be a player. Fuck my life.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes.” She bit back the urge to add “jerk” to the end of her answer. Her tone must have been a bit too stern and snappy because both Bogs and Corissa gave her an uncertain look.

  Corissa cleared her throat and smiled. “See ya tomorrow, Kenzie.”


  She walked to the door when Bogs stepped forward. Keeping her back to him was best. Although how she’d manage to keep it up for the rest of the night, she wasn’t quite sure.

  He stepped in front of her, opening the door with one hand and gesturing her with the other. She passed by and felt the caress on her back. She rushed forward and kept her quick pace to the truck, getting out of his arm’s length.

  “What’s going on, is this a race? First one who gets to the truck gets to be on top?” He chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows. “All right, you win, pretty girl.”

  Any other time, she would have laughed. It wasn’t just what he said but how he said it. Easy and laid back, she liked that. Just not now. Right now, her anger was growing with his flirting with Corissa and then expecting sex from her.

  “I’m not having sex with you. I told you that.” She opened the truck and climbed in, slamming the door behind her but not before getting her last dig out. “I’m sure you can find someone else to scratch your itch, Bogs.” She purposely glanced over his shoulder to the office door.

  She stared out the window, catching a glimpse of him rounding the front of the truck. She didn’t look long, but she could see the tightening of his jaw.

  Her plan was to ignore him for the ride home and hole up in her room. It was a good plan.

  He climbed in the truck and started the ignition. She waited for the truck to reverse but it remained parked. The hairs on her neck and arms tingled. He was staring at her.

  “Scratch my itch.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement. It was a stupid saying, and she was half embarrassed she’d even used it but it popped in her head, and she blurted it out. “Scratch my itch,” he said again, making it sound even more ridiculous than when she said it.

  He chuckled, and her face flamed. If he said it one more time, she might turn around and smack him. “Scratch my itch.”

  She whipped her head and twisted her lips. “You know what it means, stop repeating it.”

  He cocked his eyebrows. “I think it means fuck. Am I right?”

  He was playing with her, she knew it.

  “Or no, it would mean the need to fuck. ’Cause if you wanna scratch something, you’re seeking relief. Huh…yeah, it means fucking.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and slouched in the seat. Why was he going on about this?

  “And who do you think should be scratching it for me, since you refuse?”

  She turned her head slowly, glaring at him.

  He tightened his lips, mocking her while holding back his smile. He nodded, keeping his gaze locked on Kenzie. “Corissa, right? That’s why you looked at the office when ya suggested I find someone to scratch my itch, right? Hmm….all right, I guess I can ask Mike, but I don’t think the odds are in my favor.” He smirked. “He’s a jealous type, probably won’t go for me fucking his wife.”

  Corrisa was married.

  “He probably wouldn’t appreciate you flirting with her either.”

  “No, you’re right on that, he hates it. He’s been threatening me since middle school. That’s how long they’ve been together, and around the same time we all became friends.”

  “Well, you should stop,” she snapped.

  “That’s what he keeps telling me. Can’t help myself, always been a flirt with all the ladies.” He shifted gears and backed out. “Makes them feel good, I think, and it pisses off their men, puts a fire in their ass to give the ladies more attention, appreciate them a little more knowing their woman can leave ’em at any time. I consider it a public service.”

  Kenzie snorted. “You’re gonna get your ass kicked.”

  “Or worse.”


  “Nah, I can handle myself with that, I’m talking about losing the girl.”

  “What girl?”

  “The girl I choose to spend my time with. Jealousy and insecurity aren’t a turn on in my book. Girl who can’t see her own beauty and worth, not interested in that. If she can’t see it in herself, she’ll never be able to see it in me. Need someone who isn’t gonna freak out when I show another a little attention, ya know. Besides, if my girl can’t trust me, well, then, I might have chosen the wrong one.”

  She drew in a deep breath, her nostrils flaring. She had the distinct feeling that was directed at her. Jealousy was ugly. Kenzie stared straight out the window, ignoring Bogs for the remainder of the ride.

  Chapter Ten

  Kenzie had come out of her room after she heard the door lock. She glanced out the window, hiding behind the curtain to watch Bogs strut down the walkway with his gym bag thrown over his shoulder. She had been hiding out in his spare room since they’d gotten back to his place.

  She had overreacted and embarrassed herself. What was she thinking? Since when was she the moral police anyway? Aside from calling the scene all wrong, she had outed herself as a jealous, stupid girl. She had no claim on Bogs. They had sex once. That didn’t scream exclusive.

  She crept downstairs and gazed around the living room before walking into the kitchen. She had decided earlier when she was waiting for him to leave that she would cook dinner for them. It would serve as a peace offering. He said himself he didn’t cook, maybe this would make up for her behavior in the truck. She might as well have jumped up on top of his truck and screamed, “I’m an insecure jealous lunatic.”

  She opened up the fridge and sighed. She was going to have to get creative. She realized quickly that Bogs wasn’t lying. By the Styrofoam containers in his fridge, he didn’t cook. The take-out restaurants must love him.

  She did a search through his cabinets. It wouldn’t be a fancy meal, but it would be home cooked. She started around the kitchen and gathered the ingredients she needed.

  She lost track of time and was hoping to be done and back upstairs by the time he came back. When the key jingled, and the door opened, she cursed.

  He was home.

  She stood over the stove with her back to the entrance. She stirred the spaghetti. It was unnecessary, but it gave her something to do other than face Bogs. Halfway through preparation, she wondered if he might refuse to eat it since she acted like such a jealous ungrateful bitch earlier. She had no clue what had gotten into her. She sighed. Yes, she did. Jealousy was an ugly emotion.

  “Damn, what smells good?” She glanced over her shoulder to see him wipe the sweat from his forehead. His arms were raised over his head, clutching the doorframe. Sweat beaded around not only his face but through his tight shirt. His gaze traveled down her body. “Like the dress.”

  As she quickly found out when she rummaged through her overnight bag, dresses were basically her only option. What was Stone thinking? She had massive amounts of jeans and t-shirts, yet he managed to pack mostly dresses.


  “You cooking for me?” He grinned and stalked toward her. His stomach flattened a
gainst her back, and his mouth lowered near her ear. Shivers went up her back. “Mmmm…you smell good, too. Do I get a choice what I eat first?”

  Her face heated. She guessed he wasn’t mad at her after all. She bit her lip and stirred the spaghetti sending the water spilling out the side slightly and scorching her arm. She yelped and pushed back against him. His arms wrapped around her pulling her away from the stove.

  “Fuck, Kenzie, you okay, baby?” He rushed her to the sink, holding her wrist that had been burned under the cold water. He was blanketing her, and she resisted the urge to smile despite the throbbing arm.

  He leaned over inspecting her small raised pink burn. “I think I got burn cream around here.”

  “It’s all right. It actually doesn’t hurt that bad.” She slid her hand from the water and patted it dry with the hand towel. She glanced up to see him watching her. His face was hard.

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “Okay.” He looked around the kitchen then back to her. “I got enough time for a shower before dinner?”

  She nodded.

  His lips spread in a smile. “Never had a girl cook dinner for me.”


  “Yeah.” He winked. “I like it.” He walked out, and she heard him rush up the stairs.

  She was his first.

  She brushed off the feeling that was rushing through her. She liked being his first for anything. She had the feeling that he didn’t have many firsts left when it came to women. He definitely had more experience than her. Just to look at him, it was obvious he could get any women he wanted. Add in him being sweet and nice and making her laugh, she figured not a woman alive could resist the charms of Bogs Garrison. And she was no exception.

  She set the table when she heard the shower shut down. It was perfect timing. He walked into the kitchen just as she placed his plate in front of his seat.

  He glanced over the table, and his eyebrows scrunched. “Where’d ya find placemats?”

  Kenzie widened her eyes and pointed to the cabinet behind him. “In there.”

  Bogs chuckled, glancing over his shoulder. “Must have been Rox. I sure as hell didn’t buy them.” He surveyed the table again as he walked to the fridge grabbing two beers. “You’re spoiling me, pretty girl. Keep cooking me dinner and making my table all fancy and shit, might not let ya leave.”

  You promise? Her face heated and she darted her eyes to the table. It was highly unlikely he could read minds, but in the off chance he could read her face, she didn’t want him to see. She focused on her meal rather than asking who Rox was. Probably an old girlfriend, she was sure he’d had plenty.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” he whispered, getting her attention.

  She looked up and smiled back at him.

  “Thanks for this.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They spent the next twenty minutes eating in silence. Bogs had two helpings, and for some reason that made her happy. She had cooked a lot after her mom died, and she enjoyed it. Cooking for one wasn’t nearly as much fun, but she did it anyway.

  They cleaned up—Bogs doing the dishes and her drying. It was all very domesticated, unlike what she thought he would be like. There was no mention of sleeping arrangements, and after showing him her jealous side, she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to get an invite into his bed. She batted down the feeling of disappointment.

  Once the dishes and table were cleaned up, Bogs clasped her hand and pulled her down to fit into the curve of his arm on the couch.

  “What do ya wanna watch?”

  “It’s your house.”

  “Uh-uh, I’m not falling for that. You women always do that, say ‘I’ll watch whatever’ and then fall asleep before the movie even starts.”

  “We don’t have to watch TV.” Saying the words out loud had her face heating in a fiery glow. Thankfully, if he was looking, he would probably only see her profile.

  “No TV?” His mouth ruffled her hair close to her ear. “Then what should we do, Kenzie?” Her panties moistened as her name rolled off his tongue. This guy was good. She shrugged, not trusting her voice not to stammer if she gave him a verbal answer.

  His hand resting on her shoulder caressed her softly. Chills spread across her body seeping up into her scalp.

  “You could show me your room.” She cringed as the words passed through her lips. She had never been forward when it came to sex, then again, she had never been as eager as she was with Bogs. His soft chuckle rumbled through his chest sending the vibration alongside her body.

  “Wanna see my room, huh?” His hand swiped her hair from her neck as she stared down at her lap. She felt like a virgin on prom night—excited to do it and scared she’d mess it up. Bogs was like no other man she’d ever been with. “What else do you wanna see?”

  His mouth landed on her neck, his tongue circling over the sensitive curve slowly. The anticipation was almost painful. She wanted his mouth on her lips and other places. She curled closer to him and jerked her head to face him. He looked almost surprised.

  She twisted her body and leaned forward, her lips landed on his harder than even she expected. He fell back deeper into the couch, but she kept at him, kissing his mouth as if she needed it to breathe. She plunged her tongue past his lips and devoured his taste.

  It was frantic and needy. And she didn’t care. She weaved her hands around his back, dipping under his shirt to feel his heated skin. Touching him was getting everything stirred inside her. She wanted him, and maybe she was a fool in the morning. After all, this was just sex. None of this was real. Once Taylor was found and the situation with Dante was fixed, Bogs would be gone. But at this moment, it didn’t matter, she was going to be reckless with her heart, and her body.

  His lips clamped over her bottom lip, sucking it between his. God, he was a great kisser. She didn’t realize a kiss could be done in a million different ways, and Bogs was just starting. She moaned at the tingling between her thighs when his teeth grazed over her lip.

  Eagerly, she caressed his hips leading around and stopping at his jeans button. With a flick of her fingers, she separated the opening, sliding the zipper down. She reached into his jeans, brushing past the coarse hair and gripped his erect cock.

  He groaned in her mouth while digging the pads of his fingers into her face.

  Her hand fit snug around his engorged dick. She never paid much attention to the size of the men she’d been with. As long as he knew what to do with it, did size really matter anyway? Yes! Bogs was thick and long, and well versed on how to use it. She thrust her tongue into his mouth sucking in his heavy heated breath.

  “Kenzie.” His voice was low and muffled against her lips. “Couch, wall, or bed?”

  The odd question caught her off guard, and even through her haze, she was slightly confused. She kissed his lips again, breathing heavily. “I can only choose one?”

  His mouth descended on hers hard, and his groan rumbled in his chest. She squeezed him harder. He pulled away, his stare heated through his heavy lids. “Choose.”

  Imagining him pressing her up against the wall, taking her in a way no other man had ever done. Wall, wall, wall! But she chickened out. Did it really matter where he took her as long as he did?

  She craned her head up and smiled. “Bed.” She leaned in and swiped her tongue across his upper lip.

  “You sure?” he asked as he pushed her up from the couch.

  Say the friggin’ wall! She nodded and climbed off him, waiting near the edge of the couch. She drew her hand for him to take.

  He didn’t smile, but he grasped her hand and followed behind her when she led him to the stairs. She stepped up to the first stair but was jerked around and pushed against the wall. His head came down on her neck, sucking the skin in harsh pulls. His hands reached to the center of her dress, gripping the collar. His knuckles grazed over the swells of her breasts.

  “Liar,” he growled.


  Bogs had her
pinned to the wall and a firm grip on the collar of her dress. It was pretty, but right now it felt like the enemy standing between him and what he wanted most, her naked body. His cock twitched eager for release.

  He plunged his tongue inside her mouth while he tugged hard on the thin material between her tits. The back of his hands felt the heat and impulsively tore the dress in half, tearing a clean line down to her belly button. A red scrap of satin material barely covering her breasts was more than he could handle. He dove straight between her mounds, licking the moisture between them.

  “Bogs…” She moaned, pulling at the back of his t-shirt, trying to maneuver it off. He stepped back, gripping the hem and pulling it over his head. It had just cleared his neck when he felt her warm wet lips on him and his nipple hardened against her tongue. She scratched his back while she peppered kisses over his chest.

  He extended his head back feeling the strain on the cords of his neck. The sensation of her mouth was like a drug he’d gladly overdose on. Bracing his arms on the wall, he opened his eyes.

  He dropped his chin, getting harder just watching her sink lower, catching the view of her full tits straining against her barely-there bra. Her fingers wedged between the waist of his jeans and his body and tugged, effectively sliding his pants down to his ass. His hands shot out, pulling her up to a standing position in front of him. Through her cloudy eyes, she looked confused. She opened her mouth, but he pressed his finger against them before she could speak.

  “Me first.”

  Bogs dropped down to his knees, dragging his hands from her neck, down her chest, and kneading her breasts. Pulling the cups roughly down, the pads of his fingers teased over her nipples. Her breath hitched, and she released a soft moan. He caressed down her stomach over the bunched material. He yanked down on the hem of her dress, watching it pool around her feet and gave her a predatory smile.

  “Matching thong?” He watched her heavy eyes gleam as he stroked two fingers over the flimsy material. She had soaked through her panties. The blush across her cheeks made him harder. He had control when it came to women, but Kenzie was like no other he’d ever been with.