Impossibly Possible Read online

Page 11

  “Bro, you’re like a stage five clinger.”

  “Fuck you, asshole, you said ten minutes, and that was over thirty ago.”

  “Got held up. Seriously, man, you gotta relax. Are you getting laid enough? Do I gotta talk to your girl?” Bogs typed quickly on the keyboard.

  “Bogs, man, I am not in the mood.”

  Bogs kept his pace of typing and snickered. “Are you ever in the mood?”

  “It’s a miracle I haven’t beat the piss out of you yet.”

  “You can try.”

  T laughed. “How’s the friend?”


  “Is that a rating from experience?”

  Bogs fingers faltered, and he cursed silently. Fine would have been a better answer, less suspicion. He needed a quick comeback. This never happened but for some reason, he was drawing a blank. Unfortunately, T noticed.

  “Are you fucking serious, man? You fucked her?” His tone was shock and a hint of anger. “He fucked her.” He was most likely sharing with Stone. Bogs inhaled and sat back in his chair. “Christ, Bogs, you were supposed to watch her, not bang her. What the hell’s wrong with you? She’s a fucking job.”

  Oh, that was rich coming from T.

  “So was Cassie, dick. And at least I never knocked anyone up.”

  The feral growl from the other line had Bogs smirking. God, he lived for fucking with T. “She’s my wife, motherfucker.”

  “I’m a motherfucker? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?”

  “Get here in ten minutes, asshole.” The phone clicked.

  Bogs flickered his gaze to the bathroom door. Kenzie had been in there a while. They’d lain in bed for a good twenty minutes when he reluctantly told her it was time to head out soon. He glanced up at the clock on his desk. They’d be lucky if they weren’t an hour late.

  She’d been in the bathroom since turning off her shower. She walked out the door and stopped when he looked up. Her bashful smile was an indication that the sex kitten who’d been playing in his bed an hour ago had officially left the building. She tucked a thick random wave behind her ear and stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing the same clothes from last night minus the puke-scented sweatshirt.

  He swiveled in his seat following her as she walked to the bed and grabbed the socks. “Ya all right?”

  She nodded, a pink blush shadowing her cheeks. Damn, he was a sucker for her blushing.

  “There’s coffee downstairs.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  He swiveled back around to his desk, allowing the escape she so desperately wanted. “We can stop for breakfast on the way into the office.” He found it strange she didn’t question him about where they were going when he told her she needed to get ready to go.

  For the short time they had been in bed, he felt a real connection with her, but now she was back to stranger mode. He couldn’t fault her, after all, they were strangers. For now.

  She left the room, and he finished up the research and reports T and Stone would need for the job. He made a quick stop to his room to get dressed for the day and grabbed his wallet.

  When he got downstairs, it was quiet.

  He found her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter staring out the front window. The condo complex was great, people always out and about. He knew most of the people in the building and liked all but a few. He watched her smile turn to a grin as she zoned in on what was happening through the window. He leaned over, not making a sound and saw his neighbor chasing after his dog. This was a daily occurrence, so Bogs didn’t think much about it but seeing her so amused, he continued to watch. The dog darted from porch to porch evading his neighbor every time he got close enough to grab his collar.

  “Does it every day.”

  She whipped her head at him in obvious surprise. “Who?”

  Bogs pointed out the window. “Rooney and Bob. It’s like a game. He lets him off the leash, trying to convince himself this will be the day the dog doesn’t run away. Sure enough, the dog takes off. Now watch, when he ignores the dog and starts walking away, the dog will chase after him and bounce around until he’s leashed again.”

  “And they do this every day?”

  Bogs chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “Maybe Bob should take Rooney to obedience school,” Kenzie said, her eyes flashing over him and then to the floor.

  Bogs burst out laughing and moved closer to her. “Don’t let Rooney hear ya say that he might be offended.”

  She looked confused with her eyebrows scrunched up. Her nose twitched, and he couldn’t help but smirk. Damn, she was cute. Usually, women fell into three categories, beautiful, hot, or cute. Kenzie was a triple threat.

  “Bob’s the dog, Rooney’s the owner.”

  She turned back to the window and then back to Bogs. Her soft giggle echoed through the kitchen. “He named his dog Bob?”

  “Yeah, weird shit.” Bogs shrugged and went to the fridge for a water bottle. “His dog’s got a normal name, and he’s got Rooney, which no one knows for sure if that’s his last name or his first. He’s a cryptic fucker and evades the question every time it’s asked.” He opened his water and downed a large gulp, capping it and shoving it into his bag. “Thinking it’s his last. I mean, seriously, how do ya look down at your baby and say, ‘He looks like a Rooney.’”

  A soft snicker got his attention. She looked amused. He cocked an eyebrow.


  She shrugged and grinned. “I don’t know, how does a parent look down at a baby and say ‘he looks like a…” She paused and smirked. “Bogs.’”

  Bogs laughed, and her smile spread wider across her face. “Touché, pretty girl. If you’re nice, maybe I’ll tell you how I got my name.” He winked and reached down for his bag. “You ready? Not trying to rush ya, but T already called three times. Bastard’s gonna be all over my ass if we don’t get in soon.”

  The brief ease was over, and she was back to staring anywhere but in his direction. He understood where it was coming from. She felt awkward. He got it. He needed to make this clear for her. He glanced down at his phone. Fuck, T was gonna have his ass and probably let some of the shit trickle over to Kenzie. Fortunately, Bogs wouldn’t let that happen.

  She turned away and placed the cup in the sink. When she turned around to face him, he was in her space with his hands resting on the counter, caging her in. She glanced up through her lashes. He was staring down at her, his signature smirk in place. He slowly shook his head.

  “Here’s what’s gonna happen today. We’re gonna go into my office. I’ll set you up so you can work. Stone made an early run by your place and got some things. You work, I’ll work.” The corner of his lip curled. “If you’re a good girl, I might treat you to lunch.” He winked. “Then we’ll get things straightened out, hear what Trent’s got on Taylor, and come back here. I’ll make you dinner.” He twisted his lips. “Okay, that’s bullshit, I don’t cook, but I’ll order out for us.” He moved closer until his lips were practically touching hers. “From there, we’ll see what happens.” He leaned in and kissed her, and she let him. His tongue slid across her bottom lip, and she shivered.

  He pulled back slightly then kissed her again with a quick peck. It was meant to be sweet. He wanted more but there was no time, and he didn’t trust himself to stop.

  “Here’s what’s not gonna happen. You’re not gonna pretend what just happened didn’t happen, or that it was some mistake, or some shit you got rolling over in your head. You don’t want to be in my bed. You just say the word. You staying here and me keeping you safe doesn’t depend on you fucking me. You don’t want to, just say it.”

  He could read her face. It wasn’t hard with her expressive eyes. She bit her lip. She was struggling. Kenzie was not a one-night stand type of girl. If he had to guess, he’d say the only men she’d slept with had been boyfriends.

  “Keep licking those lips, I’m gonna take it as an invite.”

  She smiled and rest
ed her head against his chest. “I don’t know you, and we just had sex. I’m not usually like that, I swear.”

  “Like what?”

  “Ya know, sleeping with some random guy I just met. Especially considering the circumstances.”

  “Eyes up here, pretty girl.” His hands squeezed her waist urging her to lift her head. It seemed the last thing she wanted to do was look up. With her face shoved into his chest, she obviously preferred hiding.

  Slowly, she lifted her head.

  “Let me break it down for you, okay.” He sounded serious in his tone, but his demeanor was relaxed and laid back. “Aside from the obvious,” his gaze traveled across her face, down her body slowly and back up to meet her stare, “I like you. A woman who’s willing to take part in a crazy ass scheme to help out her friend, as fucked up as it was, I respect that. You won’t give her up.” He shrugged. “Respect that too. It shows you’re loyal. If I were in your spot, I’d have done the same thing.”

  “Should you be telling me this? I mean, aren’t you supposed to be trying to get me to give up Taylor?”

  “Yeah, but you won’t. She’s your ride or die. I get it.”

  “So, you’re just going to give up looking for her?”

  Bogs snickered. “Fuck no. Gotta find her before Dante does.”

  “Why are you telling me all this then?”

  “’Cause, it’s my way of explaining to you, you never had a chance this morning. Saw something in you—I had to have you. And that goes far beyond your looks, even though I’ll admit, seeing you naked and having you come all over my cock was a life goal of mine.”

  Her face heated but not from desire like he’d hoped. Damn, this girl got embarrassed easily.

  “We should get going, I think,” she said. She moved to her side, and Bogs let her. She was different from other women he’d been with. She was fighting what she wanted. Him. Most women would be vying to stay in his bed, Kenzie was trying to keep out of it.

  “Afraid of what might happen if we stay here longer?”

  She turned around and looked regretful. “I’m sorry, I just …that can’t happen again.” She looked up from the floor, and her shoulders stretched back. She looked like someone had shoved a steel rod up her ass. He refrained from laughing. This was her way of saying no. She didn’t want to be in his bed. Liar.

  Most women he dated were as casual about sex as he was. He didn’t sleep with every woman he met, but he also didn’t require a relationship. Truthfully, he wasn’t opposed to a serious relationship. He’d just never met anyone who intrigued him enough to get to know more. Until Kenzie.

  “Got it. No more sex.” Her reaction was comical. Her eyes widened, and she searched around the room. Maybe she thought he’d object. If he had to guess, she almost looked a bit disappointed that he hadn’t. He turned away, holding back his smile. “Let’s go.”

  He walked to the front door, listening to her soft footsteps follow.

  Chapter Eight

  The short ride to his downtown office had been quiet. The awkwardness of sleeping with Bogs and then telling him she wouldn’t do it again was weighing heavily on her mind. How could she have even had sex with him in the first place? A total stranger was basically holding her captive, and she spread her legs for him? She wanted to feel disgusted and ashamed, but deep down inside she wasn’t. She had never been so drawn to a man or felt passion like she had with Bogs. Why couldn’t any of her exes have been like that? Life would have made more sense if she was reeling and wanting more from a boyfriend rather than a man she barely knew.

  They spent the entire ride in silence except when he ordered breakfast at the fast food drive-thru. The food made the quiet a little less strange. Bogs hadn’t said a word either. He didn’t seem bothered when she told him she wouldn’t be sleeping with him again. Maybe he could sense she was lying.

  They pulled into the parking lot in the back, next to the SUV from last night. He exited the car without saying a word, and she followed walking in through the door he held open for her.

  They passed by one office, and when she peeked inside, it was empty. The next door she wasn’t so lucky. As she glanced in, she saw T. His head lifted, and his scowl deepened as he stared back at her. She immediately looked away.

  “Conference room. Now.”

  Kenzie jumped from the loud boom of his voice. He sounded furious, and she wasn’t sure if his anger was directed at her or Bogs. God, please let it be Bogs.

  Bogs clearly unfazed by T, walked into another office, flicking on the light and made his way to the large mahogany desk. The room was fairly large. One desk in the center of the back wall with a small sliding desk tucked in the corner. She searched around the room. A leather brown couch was pushed up against the wall closest to the door. It was a bit of a mess with what seemed like papers and files thrown about the main desk and piled high on a bookcase across from the couch.

  “He’s not playing, Bogs, he’s fucking pissed.” The deep voice sounded behind her back, and she stepped forward and swung around to face Stone standing inside the door. He didn’t make eye contact.

  “I know, I got hung up. Gimme a second.” Bogs was unloading his laptop and setting up what looked like another computer. Kenzie drifted her gaze to Stone. He was now setting his attention on her in a harsh glare. Didn’t these guys do anything but glare?

  She couldn’t blame him for holding onto his anger after what she did last night. But she had hoped she wouldn’t have to cross paths with him again. Shit out of luck there. She averted her eyes, focusing on everywhere but the doorway he stood in. She waited to hear him leave but he didn’t move. She glanced over at him. His eyebrows imbedded deeper making for a scary scowl. The scar on his face didn’t help either. It almost made him look sinister yet, oddly handsome.

  Her cheeks twitched as she started to smile. It was forced and probably looked it. “Good morning.”

  “Is it?”

  “Um…” How the hell was she supposed to answer him?

  “Maybe for you, but see, I’ve been here since eight this morning ’cause that’s when the meeting was supposed to start. Before then, I was at your place, getting your crap. So, mine’s been shit so far.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” It was a reactive response. She didn’t think it was her fault, she never asked for him to get her stuff, but she was not about to start an argument with him.

  “Running late because of me not her. Back off, Stone,” Bogs said.

  “Get here on time, and we won’t have a fucking problem, asshole. I got better things to do than wait around while someone else fucks around.”

  She barely had time to register exactly what he said when he turned and stormed out from the office. Fucks around? Did Bogs actually tell him what they were doing? The pit of her stomach grew heavy. Why would he do that?

  “Come on, pretty girl.” Bogs passed by, reaching for her hand but she immediately pulled away and stepped back.

  “Just ignore Stone, he’s always a dick in the morning.” He reached again, and she swatted at his hand. The corner of his mouth curled into a smile which made her blood heat in anger.

  “What’s that for?”

  “Did you tell him we slept together?”

  Bogs furrowed his brow and cocked his head. “What? No.”

  “So, he doesn’t know?”

  “Not unless you told him.” He smirked nearing her.

  “Of course not.”

  He stepped forward crowding her space and making her heart race. Being this close to him had the morning memory with him play over in her mind. She licked her lips. His eyes were drawn down to her mouth then moved up. The corner of his lips curled. “Can I have a taste?” Before she could even answer, his lips swiped her mouth in a soft velvety sweep.

  It was fleeting but enough to make her want more. Any thought of holding strong to resisting Bogs was out the window. By the smile on his face, he knew it too. She tilted her head and moved forward but froze when she heard the booming
voice echo through the building.

  “Fucking now!”

  Bogs rolled his eyes. “Bastard has no patience. We’ll have to pick this up later.” He clasped his fingers through hers and led her out of his office and across the hall. She followed closely, hoping that the remnants of her arousal were gone by the time she saw the other men.

  The conference room was the same room they had taken her to last night. The only difference was a platter of bagels and muffins sat in the center. It had been picked over a bit. She followed Bogs around the table. He motioned for her to sit in the same seat from last night. She maneuvered around the table noticing T’s gaze locked on their clasped hands. When his stare rose, he looked angry. She immediately unfolded her fingers from Bogs and sat down. It was déjà vu as she faced off with T and Stone. She noticed a woman pop her head in the office door, smiling.

  “Am I holding all calls?”

  “Yeah,” T said as he opened a file. She was thankful his attention was somewhere other than on her.

  “Hey Corissa, no banana chocolate?” Bogs asked with a grin. He had an amazing smile. It was flirty and sexy, and when directed at her, it sent a wave through her, and usually caused a deep burning blush. It did nothing for her this time though because it was directed at the pretty blonde in the doorway instead.

  “There were two.”

  Bogs glared at the other two men in the room. “Damn vultures, man. You took ’em both.”

  The blonde giggled. “Got to get here on time, Bogs.” She winked at him and smiled over at Kenzie.

  Kenzie turned to Bogs, who was grinning at the woman. The way he was looking at her made Kenzie wonder if there was or ever had been something between Bogs and the woman.

  “Thought you woulda saved me one, Cor.”

  “Next time.” Corissa turned to Kenzie and smiled again. “Hi there, I’m Corissa.”

  She raised her hand and gave an awkward wave. “Hi. I’m Kenzie.” I was in his bed this morning naked with him. The thought caught her off guard. It was catty and so unlike her. She was generally secure with herself but seeing the way Bogs spoke to the blonde had a mean girl popping out.